The Parish Church of St Peter and St Paul Rustington
The Parish Church of St Peter and St Paul Rustington

Children and Youth

Noah's Ark

Noah's Ark is an adult and toddler group that usually meets on Tuesday afternoons from 12.30 - 2.30 pm in the Church Hall.  

Monday Rocks!

A new club for Primary aged children. Crafts, Action songs, stories.

Mondays during term time at 4pm.


A group for year 6/7 upwards. We meet on a Tuesday evening for games, discussions, food and prayers. For more information get in touch.


Rocks is for primary aged children and meets for fun activities at 9.50am on every Sundays apart from the 1st Sunday of the  month when we go to the All Age service in church. Contact us for more info.

To book: Champions Holiday Club, please visit:

Family Support Work

We work closely with Becca Carter from Family Support Work (the Sussex Charity for Families) in Rustington.  Becca is ably assisted by volunteers from our congregation in the ongoing work of providing support to the families with special needs in our parish. To find out more view the FSW Website.


                 Family Support Work                                  July 2024 Newssheet

Dear Friends


At last the sun is shining and we may be about to have some good weather, which with a summer full of activities planned, is essential for FSW and our families.



The practitioners are in a flurry of activity now as they deal with the final pieces of work with the schools as they close for the summer break.  Of course, with us the work continues through the summer with the focus shifting to building memories for the families.


Even though the schools are on holiday we are still helping families as they prepare for the next school year.  For some there is the sadness of leaving their primary school where they have felt safe, and anxiously looking towards the next step and a new school.  During the summer the practitioners will be there helping those who are anxious overcome the worries before September, and of course helping parents deal with the needs of new school uniform, shoes and equipment for their children.


This will be our last letter to you until September, so I hope that you have a good summer yourselves.


Best Wishes

Martin and the FSW team







Sunday Services  

8.30am Said Holy Communion (Traditional)

10am Sung Eucharist or All Age Communion

(Also livestreamed.)



Monday & Thursday Morning Prayer at 9am.


9am Morning Prayer in person and on Zoom here if requested.

11am Holy Communion


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St Peter & St Paul is a registered charity: Number 1133812

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