Due to a change in the law, the PCC of St Peter and St Paul require your consent to store and use your data.
The uses of data that affect all members of the congregation are the Church Family Directory, the Pastoral Visitors List and the Electoral Roll. This means that you will need to give your consent to be included in these documents. Please ask for a form. These need to be returned either to church or to the Church Office if you wish your name to remain on the documents.
The PCC Privacy Notice, which outlines the responsibilities of the PCC with regards to data, can be accessed by clicking on the 'GDPR Privacy Notice 070618' file below. A printed copy will also be put on the notice board in church by the West Door.
More information on GDPR can be found on the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) website at https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/data-protection-reform/
Thank you,
Geoff Gibb