The Parish Church of St Peter and St Paul Rustington
The Parish Church of St Peter and St Paul Rustington

Church Hall

Rustington Parish Church is blessed in having a substantial and well-equipped Church Hall.

It is located adjacent to the Church in The Street Rustington and houses the Parish Office.

There is a main hall with a stage, a fully equipped kitchen, toilets, and one separate smaller room (suitable for groups up to 20).

The hall and smaller room are available for hire and can accommodate parties but not on a Saturday evening. 


For all bookings and enquiries about the Hall please contact Christopher at........


                     Tel 01903 775400 or mobile 07770 225325

A List of Hall Users
Hall Users Internet.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [454.0 KB]

Sunday Services  

8.30am Said Holy Communion (Traditional)

10am Sung Eucharist or All Age Communion

(Also livestreamed.)



Monday & Thursday Morning Prayer at 9am.


9am Morning Prayer in person and on Zoom here if requested.

11am Holy Communion


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St Peter & St Paul is a registered charity: Number 1133812

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